Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?

Keeping Francis Collins as director of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) would send exactly the wrong message. Action Alert!

Right now, the federal government subsidizes the pharmaceutical industry, then grants it legally enforced monopolies which allow it to charge insane prices on those subsidized drugs, then buys the drugs in huge quantities at those same inflated prices. No wonder the industry is so profitable and has so much money to lobby Congress and contribute to political campaigns!

Powerful GOP legislators seem to like these arrangements just fine. And they have now asked President-elect Trump to retain the Obama administration’s director of the National Institutes for Health (NIH)—who, based on his history, will keep the good times rolling for Big Pharma.

In a letter to the president-elect, outgoing House and Energy Commerce chair Fred Upton (R-MI), Senate health committee chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN), and the two chairs of the appropriations committees that oversee NIH—Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)—urged Trump to keep Francis Collins as director of NIH.

Rep. Upton and Sen. Alexander were instrumental in passing the 21st Century Cures Act (which was signed into law last week). It is, in effect, another big gift to Big Pharma to subsidize the development of new drugs. As we discuss elsewhere in this week’s Pulse, one of the major functions of NIH is to funnel taxpayer dollars into drug research that is then handed over to pharmaceutical companies. Since the 1930s, NIH has invested $900 billion in the basic and applied research that formed both the pharmaceutical industry and the biotech industry; 75% of the most innovative drugs originated from NIH funding.

Under Collins, NIH launched an “unprecedented” partnership with ten pharmaceutical companies. One of the director’s main areas of focus at the agency has been “translational science”—essentially, turning theoretical research into profitable products for the drug industry. In a paper he wrote, Collins bemoans the “triple frustrations of long timelines, steep costs, and high failure rate” blocking more new drugs coming to market. To further assist Big Pharma, he started the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS). Among NCATS’ priorities is “de-risking” drug development. In plain English, this means that taxpayer dollars are going into research that drug companies don’t want to pay for, because research is risky and often fails.

What else is NCATS using taxpayer money for? One of their most recent news releases concerns research into identifying what combination of drugs can treat antibiotic-resistant infections. As we’ve reported before, this defies logic: bacteria will become resistant to those drugs, and the cycle will continue. Natural remedies are not discussed, presumably because they can’t be patented and therefore lack profit potential for the drug industry.

Another initiative championed by Collins’s NCATS institute? Space medicine! This isn’t a joke. Apparently Collins thinks it’s a research priority to study “the effects of a microgravity environment on the human body.”

We don’t think Collins is a bad person. But he is caught up in—and now exemplifies—a thoroughly rotten system. We need a new and different director at NIH.

Action Alert! Urge the Trump transition team to appoint a new director of NIH. Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8fyTG via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2hnoHnv

Action Alert: Replace Top Medical Crony

Related article: Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?

Trouble Taking Action? Click here.

.errordiv { padding:10px; margin:10px; border: 1px solid #555555;color: #000000;background-color: #f8f8f8; text-align:center; width:500px; }
var ai_iframe_width_iframe3087 = 0; var ai_iframe_height_iframe3087 = 0;var aiIsIe8=false;var aiReadyCallbacks = ( typeof aiReadyCallbacks != ‘undefined’ && aiReadyCallbacks instanceof Array ) ? aiReadyCallbacks : [];var onloadFirediframe3087 = false; function aiShowIframe() { jQuery(“#iframe3087”).css(“visibility”, “visible”);} function aiShowIframeId(id_iframe) { jQuery(id_iframe).css(“visibility”, “visible”);} function aiResizeIframeHeight(height) { aiResizeIframeHeight(height,iframe3087); } function aiResizeIframeHeightId(height,width,id) {aiResizeIframeHeightById(id,height);} http://ift.tt/2hnbawsvar ifrm_iframe3087 = document.getElementById(“iframe3087”);
var hiddenTabsDoneiframe3087 = false;
function resizeCallbackiframe3087() {}

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8eI9v via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2h8nQuP

Should Big Pharma Be on Your Holiday Gift List?

If you forgot the pharmaceutical industry, don’t worry. The federal government will take care of it for you.

The refrain we hear from representatives of the pharmaceutical industry is that drug costs are high because the research, development, and shepherding of drugs through the FDA’s approval process is astronomically costly. What they fail to mention is that the development of many blockbuster drugs are paid for by the taxpayers before being handed over to drug companies, which then proceed to charge exorbitant prices for the drug.

Take the example of Xtandi, a prostate cancer drug that costs over $9,700 per month. In 2015, global sales of Xtandi totaled $1.87 billion. The drug is being tested for possible use in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer, meaning that profits could soar even higher.

Yet the research that led to the development of the drug was largely paid for by American taxpayers. Much of the R&D was conducted at UCLA, which sold the rights to the drug for over $500 million. UCLA was able to do the research through grants from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense. That’s not all: Medicare paid out $633 million for the drug in 2015, yet receives no discount for it. In fact, the cost of Xtandi is two to four times higher than in other countries!

US taxpayers paid for the research, the drug gets handed to Big Pharma, and then US taxpayers are gouged when they need to purchase the drug. Is there a more blatant example of cronyism in our healthcare system?

And don’t think that this is an isolated case: an estimated 40% of pharmaceutical research and development costs are underwritten by governments and private philanthropy—not by the drug companies that end up holding the patent and raking in the profits!

Remember, too, that Congress just voted to double down on this system: the 21st Century Cures Act includes billions of dollars for NIH to research and develop new drugs and cures, presumably to hand over to their Big Pharma cronies. (For more on this, see our accompanying article.)

Meanwhile, drug companies take advantage not only of these subsidies, but also of monopolies that are created and enforced by government. That is how Martin Shkreli increased the cost of a toxoplasmosis drug by 5,000% overnight, and why a new hepatitis C drug costs $1,000 a pill. This would not be happening in a market system. It is only possible thanks to our government.

See our earlier article for more reasons to “just say no” to legal drugs, and check out our accompanying video.

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?

EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8dVFT via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2h8q11x

EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

The agency finally admits that the process may contaminate drinking water.

In the final version of a study first issued in 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reversed its previously held position that hydraulic fracturing (also known as “fracking”) has little effect on drinking water.

An EPA science advisor said that the previous conclusion “could not be quantitatively supported.” Indeed!

Fracking is a method of natural gas extraction employed in deep natural gas well drilling. Once a well is drilled, millions of gallons of water, sand, and any of 596 different proprietary chemicals are injected, under high pressure, into a well. The pressure fractures the shale and props open fissures that enable natural gas to flow more freely out of the well.

In many cases, the cocktail of chemicals used by fracking companies are claimed as trade secrets and are unknown to the communities in which the drilling is taking place. Scientists have found among them chemicals like benzene, ethylbenzene, xylene, barium, radium, and strontium, most of which are unsafe even at low levels. The documentary Gasland revealed tap water so contaminated it can be set on fire right out of the tap, along with chronically ill residents with similar symptoms in drilling areas across the country, and huge pools of toxic waste that kill livestock and vegetation.

Now that the EPA has reversed its untenable position, will the agency do anything about the problem?

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?
Should Big Pharma Be on Your Holiday Gift List?

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8kgkg via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2h8kIzm

Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?

Keeping Francis Collins as director of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) would send exactly the wrong message. Action Alert!

Right now, the federal government subsidizes the pharmaceutical industry, then grants it legally enforced monopolies which allow it to charge insane prices on those subsidized drugs, then buys the drugs in huge quantities at those same inflated prices. No wonder the industry is so profitable and has so much money to lobby Congress and contribute to political campaigns!

Powerful GOP legislators seem to like these arrangements just fine. And they have now asked President-elect Trump to retain the Obama administration’s director of the National Institutes for Health (NIH)—who, based on his history, will keep the good times rolling for Big Pharma.

In a letter to the president-elect, outgoing House and Energy Commerce chair Fred Upton (R-MI), Senate health committee chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN), and the two chairs of the appropriations committees that oversee NIH—Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)—urged Trump to keep Francis Collins as director of NIH.

Rep. Upton and Sen. Alexander were instrumental in passing the 21st Century Cures Act (which was signed into law last week). It is, in effect, another big gift to Big Pharma to subsidize the development of new drugs. As we discuss elsewhere in this week’s Pulse, one of the major functions of NIH is to funnel taxpayer dollars into drug research that is then handed over to pharmaceutical companies. Since the 1930s, NIH has invested $900 billion in the basic and applied research that formed both the pharmaceutical industry and the biotech industry; 75% of the most innovative drugs originated from NIH funding.

Under Collins, NIH launched an “unprecedented” partnership with ten pharmaceutical companies. One of the director’s main areas of focus at the agency has been “translational science”—essentially, turning theoretical research into profitable products for the drug industry. In a paper he wrote, Collins bemoans the “triple frustrations of long timelines, steep costs, and high failure rate” blocking more new drugs coming to market. To further assist Big Pharma, he started the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS). Among NCATS’ priorities is “de-risking” drug development. In plain English, this means that taxpayer dollars are going into research that drug companies don’t want to pay for, because research is risky and often fails.

What else is NCATS using taxpayer money for? One of their most recent news releases concerns research into identifying what combination of drugs can treat antibiotic-resistant infections. As we’ve reported before, this defies logic: bacteria will become resistant to those drugs, and the cycle will continue. Natural remedies are not discussed, presumably because they can’t be patented and therefore lack profit potential for the drug industry.

Another initiative championed by Collins’s NCATS institute? Space medicine! This isn’t a joke. Apparently Collins thinks it’s a research priority to study “the effects of a microgravity environment on the human body.”

We don’t think Collins is a bad person. But he is caught up in—and now exemplifies—a thoroughly rotten system. We need a new and different director at NIH.

Action Alert! Urge the Trump transition team to appoint a new director of NIH. Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8fyTG via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hW8uXd

Action Alert: Replace Top Medical Crony

Related article: Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?

Trouble Taking Action? Click here.

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8eI9v via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hQQ2BW

Should Big Pharma Be on Your Holiday Gift List?

If you forgot the pharmaceutical industry, don’t worry. The federal government will take care of it for you.

The refrain we hear from representatives of the pharmaceutical industry is that drug costs are high because the research, development, and shepherding of drugs through the FDA’s approval process is astronomically costly. What they fail to mention is that the development of many blockbuster drugs are paid for by the taxpayers before being handed over to drug companies, which then proceed to charge exorbitant prices for the drug.

Take the example of Xtandi, a prostate cancer drug that costs over $9,700 per month. In 2015, global sales of Xtandi totaled $1.87 billion. The drug is being tested for possible use in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer, meaning that profits could soar even higher.

Yet the research that led to the development of the drug was largely paid for by American taxpayers. Much of the R&D was conducted at UCLA, which sold the rights to the drug for over $500 million. UCLA was able to do the research through grants from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense. That’s not all: Medicare paid out $633 million for the drug in 2015, yet receives no discount for it. In fact, the cost of Xtandi is two to four times higher than in other countries!

US taxpayers paid for the research, the drug gets handed to Big Pharma, and then US taxpayers are gouged when they need to purchase the drug. Is there a more blatant example of cronyism in our healthcare system?

And don’t think that this is an isolated case: an estimated 40% of pharmaceutical research and development costs are underwritten by governments and private philanthropy—not by the drug companies that end up holding the patent and raking in the profits!

Remember, too, that Congress just voted to double down on this system: the 21st Century Cures Act includes billions of dollars for NIH to research and develop new drugs and cures, presumably to hand over to their Big Pharma cronies. (For more on this, see our accompanying article.)

Meanwhile, drug companies take advantage not only of these subsidies, but also of monopolies that are created and enforced by government. That is how Martin Shkreli increased the cost of a toxoplasmosis drug by 5,000% overnight, and why a new hepatitis C drug costs $1,000 a pill. This would not be happening in a market system. It is only possible thanks to our government.

See our earlier article for more reasons to “just say no” to legal drugs, and check out our accompanying video.

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?

EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8dVFT via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hWaEWE

EPA Changes Its Tune on Fracking

The agency finally admits that the process may contaminate drinking water.

In the final version of a study first issued in 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reversed its previously held position that hydraulic fracturing (also known as “fracking”) has little effect on drinking water.

An EPA science advisor said that the previous conclusion “could not be quantitatively supported.” Indeed!

Fracking is a method of natural gas extraction employed in deep natural gas well drilling. Once a well is drilled, millions of gallons of water, sand, and any of 596 different proprietary chemicals are injected, under high pressure, into a well. The pressure fractures the shale and props open fissures that enable natural gas to flow more freely out of the well.

In many cases, the cocktail of chemicals used by fracking companies are claimed as trade secrets and are unknown to the communities in which the drilling is taking place. Scientists have found among them chemicals like benzene, ethylbenzene, xylene, barium, radium, and strontium, most of which are unsafe even at low levels. The documentary Gasland revealed tap water so contaminated it can be set on fire right out of the tap, along with chronically ill residents with similar symptoms in drilling areas across the country, and huge pools of toxic waste that kill livestock and vegetation.

Now that the EPA has reversed its untenable position, will the agency do anything about the problem?

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Top Medical Crony to Be Retained by Trump Administration?
Should Big Pharma Be on Your Holiday Gift List?

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2h8kgkg via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hQTQ6v

The Drug Genie

Take Action

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g5mAZb via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2hDZo3s

The Drug Genie

Take Action

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g5mAZb via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hVYixX

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Journey of Glyphosate

Take Action

Read Full Story

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hBGCLa via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2hrLS0m

The Journey of Glyphosate

Take Action

Read Full Story

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hBGCLa via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gI9iAs

Want Holes in Your Stomach? Eat More GMOs

Weed killer used on GMOs may be wreaking havoc on Americans’ guts. Action Alert!

Feeding GM food soaked in Monsanto’s Roundup causes liver and kidney problems, fertility issues, tumors, fatigue, paralysis, allergic reactions, and more in animal studies. Now it appears that some GMO foods may be perforating your stomach as well.

You may have heard of Monsanto’s “Bt” crops, like Bt corn. “Bt” is short for Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a bacterium that produces a toxin—one that punches holes in the guts of insects and kills them. Bt toxin was commercialized and used for decades as a natural pesticide. Then Monsanto came along and hacked the code for it into the DNA code of food crops as a way of making them toxic to insects.

The same toxin that punches holes in the guts of insects may be doing the same to humans. We know that eating Bt-engineered, genetically modified (GM) food destroys the delicate gut system in animals. When researchers fed Bt GM potatoes to mice, it looked like a bomb had gone off in their guts. Some cells were destroyed; others were growing wildly. The results caused the researchers to question the safety of Btengineered GM food.

There’s more. Bt corn was fed to pigs for thirty-one days. While they ate more food than before, they converted it less efficiently and did not gain weight. When researchers looked at their guts, they saw the same type of damage as in the mice. The researchers attributed the animals’ failure to gain weight to their damaged guts. Mice fed a diet of GMO corn for ninety days experienced substantial damage to their digestive tract and were likely on their way to life-threatening nutritional deficiencies, perhaps even cancer.

To be clear, there is no evidence whatever that Bt sprayed on crops is a risk to humans. It is only when it is engineered into the food that it may be a threat to your gut health.

Not only may GM food itself be a threat to gut health, so too are the chemicals used with it. Glyphosate is the weed killer used on GM Roundup Ready© crops like soybeans, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa, and sorghum. Simply put, glyphosate kills gut bacteria. In fact, it’s so good at killing microbes that Monsanto has a patent on it as an antibiotic. The company envisions that glyphosate can be taken orally or given intravenously. Although the patent focuses on bad bacteria, glyphosate kills good bacteria as well because it attacks an underlying pathway present in both “good” and “bad” bacteria. Plants also possess the pathway, and destroying this pathway is how glyphosate works as a weed killer. And we now know that other so-called inert ingredients in Roundup may be even more toxic.

The fact that glyphosate and other ingredients attack bacteria is having some serious consequences. For instance, mysterious cattle deaths in Germany have been traced to botulism. It was apparently caused by glyphosate killing off the “good” bacteria that keep bacteria-producing botulinum toxin in check. And of course we depend on good bacteria for our health. They can even affect our mood. Integrative physicians have understood this for years, but now even the mainstream is starting to catch up and realize the vital importance of the gut microbiome.

Avoiding GM foods has not been made easier by the sham GMO labeling law, which allows companies to hide this information in scannable codes that very few people can actually use. The Organic Consumers Association has called for a boycott of companies that hide GMO information in a “smart label” rather than clearly and plainly identifying whether a food contains GM.

Action Alert! Say no to weed killers in our food supply! Tell the EPA to ban glyphosate. Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Trump MAY Be Shaking Things Up at the FDA

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hpt58L via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2hrl0O2

Want Holes in Your Stomach? Eat More GMOs

Weed killer used on GMOs may be wreaking havoc on Americans’ guts. Action Alert!

Feeding GM food soaked in Monsanto’s Roundup causes liver and kidney problems, fertility issues, tumors, fatigue, paralysis, allergic reactions, and more in animal studies. Now it appears that some GMO foods may be perforating your stomach as well.

You may have heard of Monsanto’s “Bt” crops, like Bt corn. “Bt” is short for Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a bacterium that produces a toxin—one that punches holes in the guts of insects and kills them. Bt toxin was commercialized and used for decades as a natural pesticide. Then Monsanto came along and hacked the code for it into the DNA code of food crops as a way of making them toxic to insects.

The same toxin that punches holes in the guts of insects may be doing the same to humans. We know that eating Bt-engineered, genetically modified (GM) food destroys the delicate gut system in animals. When researchers fed Bt GM potatoes to mice, it looked like a bomb had gone off in their guts. Some cells were destroyed; others were growing wildly. The results caused the researchers to question the safety of Btengineered GM food.

There’s more. Bt corn was fed to pigs for thirty-one days. While they ate more food than before, they converted it less efficiently and did not gain weight. When researchers looked at their guts, they saw the same type of damage as in the mice. The researchers attributed the animals’ failure to gain weight to their damaged guts. Mice fed a diet of GMO corn for ninety days experienced substantial damage to their digestive tract and were likely on their way to life-threatening nutritional deficiencies, perhaps even cancer.

To be clear, there is no evidence whatever that Bt sprayed on crops is a risk to humans. It is only when it is engineered into the food that it may be a threat to your gut health.

Not only may GM food itself be a threat to gut health, so too are the chemicals used with it. Glyphosate is the weed killer used on GM Roundup Ready© crops like soybeans, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa, and sorghum. Simply put, glyphosate kills gut bacteria. In fact, it’s so good at killing microbes that Monsanto has a patent on it as an antibiotic. The company envisions that glyphosate can be taken orally or given intravenously. Although the patent focuses on bad bacteria, glyphosate kills good bacteria as well because it attacks an underlying pathway present in both “good” and “bad” bacteria. Plants also possess the pathway, and destroying this pathway is how glyphosate works as a weed killer. And we now know that other so-called inert ingredients in Roundup may be even more toxic.

The fact that glyphosate and other ingredients attack bacteria is having some serious consequences. For instance, mysterious cattle deaths in Germany have been traced to botulism. It was apparently caused by glyphosate killing off the “good” bacteria that keep bacteria-producing botulinum toxin in check. And of course we depend on good bacteria for our health. They can even affect our mood. Integrative physicians have understood this for years, but now even the mainstream is starting to catch up and realize the vital importance of the gut microbiome.

Avoiding GM foods has not been made easier by the sham GMO labeling law, which allows companies to hide this information in scannable codes that very few people can actually use. The Organic Consumers Association has called for a boycott of companies that hide GMO information in a “smart label” rather than clearly and plainly identifying whether a food contains GM.

Action Alert! Say no to weed killers in our food supply! Tell the EPA to ban glyphosate. Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Trump MAY Be Shaking Things Up at the FDA

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hpt58L via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gHHV9K

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

And why is the government against the obvious, natural solution? State-based Action Alert!

In Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb). The Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for lead in drinking water is 15 ppb, but there is no safe level of lead exposure.

Sixteen schools in St Louis also had water samples with outrageously high lead levels—they averaged 30 parts per billion (twice the legal limit), with the highest ranging between 200 and 300 ppb (up to twenty times the legal limit).

Drinking water isn’t the only way people are exposed to lead. The EPA has hazard limits for lead in paint and dust, but they are out of date, according to the latest research.

Lead ingestion is also linked to violent crime. One study found that for every five micrograms per deciliter (μg/dl) increase in blood lead levels at age six, the risk of being arrested for a violent crime as a young adult increased by almost 50%. The risk has been confirmed by other research. Childhood exposure increases the likelihood of impulsivity, aggression, and low IQ. All are associated with criminal behavior.

You’d think that state and federal health officials would be open to therapies that can help people get the lead out of their bodies. This is not the case in our crony medical system. Chelation therapy is the gold standard for removing toxic metals such as lead. Conventional doctors rarely use it, but integrative doctors are well versed in the benefits of chelation therapy for removing lead and other toxins from the body.

Predictably, the FDA is hostile toward chelation. As usual, the problem would seem to be that there is little profit in it for Big Pharma. In 2008, the agency released a Public Health Advisory on EDTA, the chelator used to remove lead. The agency’s stance arose from a single episode where inattentive hospital personnel mixed up the medications being administered.

Action Alert! Send a message to your state legislature, urging them to look into and address high levels of lead in prisoners and juvenile offenders. Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Want Holes in Your Stomach? Eat More GMOs

Trump MAY Be Shaking Things Up at the FDA

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hts6Sv via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gWkbwh

Trump MAY Be Shaking Things Up at the FDA

Last week, Bloomberg News reported that President-elect Trump is considering Jim O’Neill as the new FDA commissioner.

O’Neill is a Silicon Valley investor, libertarian, and associate of Peter Thiel, a billionaire who supported Donald Trump. O’Neill previously worked for the Department of Health and Human Services in the George W. Bush administration. News reports say that O’Neill would be an “unconventional” pick because he isn’t a physician and has little scientific background. This could be a good thing, considering the problematic ties to the pharmaceutical industry of current and past FDA commissioners. The appointment of an FDA chief who isn’t in the pocket of Big Pharma is a welcome development.

In addition, O’Neill has signaled a desire to reform and overhaul the FDA—which is at the core of ANH-USA’s mission. In 2014 O’Neil spoke to a regenerative medicine group where he said, “Every time the FDA commissioner approves something and someone gets sick who used it, the commissioner is summoned to a congressional committee that also controls his budget and forced to testify under oath, why he made this rash decision.…It’s a miserable process.”

Nothing is final yet. Stay tuned.

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Want Holes in Your Stomach? Eat More GMOs

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2htqdVY via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gE1ukD

Action Alert: Tell State Legislators to Address Lead Poisoning

Related article: Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Trouble Taking Action? Click here.

.errordiv { padding:10px; margin:10px; border: 1px solid #555555;color: #000000;background-color: #f8f8f8; text-align:center; width:500px; }
var ai_iframe_width_iframe3083 = 0; var ai_iframe_height_iframe3083 = 0;var aiIsIe8=false;var aiReadyCallbacks = ( typeof aiReadyCallbacks != ‘undefined’ && aiReadyCallbacks instanceof Array ) ? aiReadyCallbacks : [];var onloadFirediframe3083 = false; function aiShowIframe() { jQuery(“#iframe3083”).css(“visibility”, “visible”);} function aiShowIframeId(id_iframe) { jQuery(id_iframe).css(“visibility”, “visible”);} function aiResizeIframeHeight(height) { aiResizeIframeHeight(height,iframe3083); } function aiResizeIframeHeightId(height,width,id) {aiResizeIframeHeightById(id,height);} http://ift.tt/2hpign2var ifrm_iframe3083 = document.getElementById(“iframe3083”);
var hiddenTabsDoneiframe3083 = false;
function resizeCallbackiframe3083() {}

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hr58em via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gDZKrv

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

And why is the government against the obvious, natural solution? State-based Action Alert!

In Flint, Michigan, tap water in residents’ homes contained astonishing levels of lead, as high as 104 parts per billion (ppb). The Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for lead in drinking water is 15 ppb, but there is no safe level of lead exposure.

Sixteen schools in St Louis also had water samples with outrageously high lead levels—they averaged 30 parts per billion (twice the legal limit), with the highest ranging between 200 and 300 ppb (up to twenty times the legal limit).

Drinking water isn’t the only way people are exposed to lead. The EPA has hazard limits for lead in paint and dust, but they are out of date, according to the latest research.

Lead ingestion is also linked to violent crime. One study found that for every five micrograms per deciliter (μg/dl) increase in blood lead levels at age six, the risk of being arrested for a violent crime as a young adult increased by almost 50%. The risk has been confirmed by other research. Childhood exposure increases the likelihood of impulsivity, aggression, and low IQ. All are associated with criminal behavior.

You’d think that state and federal health officials would be open to therapies that can help people get the lead out of their bodies. This is not the case in our crony medical system. Chelation therapy is the gold standard for removing toxic metals such as lead. Conventional doctors rarely use it, but integrative doctors are well versed in the benefits of chelation therapy for removing lead and other toxins from the body.

Predictably, the FDA is hostile toward chelation. As usual, the problem would seem to be that there is little profit in it for Big Pharma. In 2008, the agency released a Public Health Advisory on EDTA, the chelator used to remove lead. The agency’s stance arose from a single episode where inattentive hospital personnel mixed up the medications being administered.

Action Alert! Send a message to your state legislature, urging them to look into and address high levels of lead in prisoners and juvenile offenders. Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Want Holes in Your Stomach? Eat More GMOs

Trump MAY Be Shaking Things Up at the FDA

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hts6Sv via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hp9SEq

Trump MAY Be Shaking Things Up at the FDA

Last week, Bloomberg News reported that President-elect Trump is considering Jim O’Neill as the new FDA commissioner.

O’Neill is a Silicon Valley investor, libertarian, and associate of Peter Thiel, a billionaire who supported Donald Trump. O’Neill previously worked for the Department of Health and Human Services in the George W. Bush administration. News reports say that O’Neill would be an “unconventional” pick because he isn’t a physician and has little scientific background. This could be a good thing, considering the problematic ties to the pharmaceutical industry of current and past FDA commissioners. The appointment of an FDA chief who isn’t in the pocket of Big Pharma is a welcome development.

In addition, O’Neill has signaled a desire to reform and overhaul the FDA—which is at the core of ANH-USA’s mission. In 2014 O’Neil spoke to a regenerative medicine group where he said, “Every time the FDA commissioner approves something and someone gets sick who used it, the commissioner is summoned to a congressional committee that also controls his budget and forced to testify under oath, why he made this rash decision.…It’s a miserable process.”

Nothing is final yet. Stay tuned.

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Want Holes in Your Stomach? Eat More GMOs

Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2htqdVY via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hrgOxN

Action Alert: Tell State Legislators to Address Lead Poisoning

Related article: Is Lead Causing Criminal Behavior?

Trouble Taking Action? Click here.

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2hr58em via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gwEDCE

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Seems common sense, does it not? But our government keeps pushing the opposite. Action Alert!

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons recently reported a link between the number of simultaneous vaccinations a child receives and the risk of serious injury or death. The report cites a 2012 study that looked at raw data from the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The authors looked at VAERS data on infants from 1990 through 2010—about 38,000 reports in total. The study found that infants receiving multiple vaccines concurrently, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die, compared with infants who received fewer vaccinations in one visit. Age was also a factor: adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants.

The CDC recommends a combination of up to eight vaccines during a single visit to the pediatrician. Medical literature makes it clear that this is not for the child. It is because parents cannot be trusted to bring their children back again and again to receive the full battery of vaccines. The government’s approach to vaccine administration, with one shot piled on top of another on top of another, has never been tested for safety in clinical trials.

The author points out that skeptics of using VAERS data to draw conclusions about the safety of vaccines claim that the database doesn’t prove conclusively that the adverse events reported in VAERS are caused by vaccination. But if that’s the case, why does the CDC regularly twist VAERS data to justify its recommendations?

For example, almost 9% of the adverse reactions reported for the live attenuated influenza vaccine, for example, are classified as “serious” (fatalities, cardiovascular events, neurological debilities, etc), yet CDC researchers concluded from these same adverse event reports that the results were “reassuring.” Reassuring to whom?

Speaking of the flu vaccine, a new study once again raises the question of whether mercury (still used as a flu shot preservative) increases risk of autism.

Despite good reasons to be skeptical—and despite clear evidence of harm—the government has doubled down on vaccines, pushing more and more products on younger and younger children. The CDC appears to us to be a taxpayer-funded sales rep for industry, not a public watchdog. Given that the risk to our babies and children is grave, it is scandalous that this is allowed to go on.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6g5oF via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gNH73i

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

So why is it OK to inject it into infants? Action Alert!

Recently, Wal-Mart asked its suppliers to remove eight chemicals, formaldehyde among them, from household products. But consumers might be surprised to find out they’re injecting their kids with that very same toxin: formaldehyde is used as a preservative in vaccines.

The same smelly chemical used to pickle frogs in high school biology is actually a probable carcinogen. Formaldehyde has been linked to all sorts of profoundly negative health effects.

Should we accept stricter standards for Walmart floor cleaners than we do for what is injected into our children? Does Walmart have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to Big Pharma? Did they direct their suppliers about formaldehyde without thinking through the implications it might have for the suppliers of their pharmacies?

Action Alert! In one month, state general assemblies will reconvene. Some of them will be considering Big Pharma-supported bills to severely restrict exemptions to mandatory vaccinations. Contact your state legislators and ask them to oppose any bill that would restrict a parent’s fundamental right to protect his or her child from a mandatory vaccine. Please send your message immediately!


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6jsvL via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2hdturm

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Gary Null, author of Death By Medicine, says we are. He argues that little evidence exists to support the notion that vaccines actually work to protect us from disease. Action Alert!

Take the flu. Null writes that a “study has yet to be undertaken that evaluates the long-term progress of both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children of comparable biochemistries, ages, and lifestyles.” The government won’t even report on how many vaccinated kids got the illness. Even so, there is evidence that the vaccine is not very effective, as we have reported previously. There is also evidence that supplemental vitamin D is at least as effective as the vaccine in preventing the flu.

Real scientists acknowledge that these issues are complex. For example, Null notes that many biological factors influence immunity, such as quality of the diet, levels of vitamins A and C (as well as D), exercise, stress management, and exposure to environmental toxins. Why are we suddenly so immune-compromised that we have to be vaccinated for everything under the sun?

Null also points out that we should be skeptical of claims that vaccines alone are responsible for the eradication of diseases such as smallpox. He argues that epidemiological data show that such diseases began declining well before mass vaccination. This suggests that other factors—increased sanitation, proper sewage disposal, cleaner water, improved diet, less crowded living conditions, etc.—have played a major role in the decline. Why don’t hear about this? More importantly, as we have discussed at length, Null shows once again that the herd immunity argument simply doesn’t hold up.

Action Alert! In one month, state general assemblies will reconvene. Some of them will be considering Big Pharma-supported bills to severely restrict exemptions to mandatory vaccinations. Contact your state legislators and ask them to oppose any bill that would restrict a parent’s fundamental right to protect his or her child from a mandatory vaccine. Please send your message immediately!


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6oCrI via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gNOSX8

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Seems common sense, does it not? But our government keeps pushing the opposite. Action Alert!

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons recently reported a link between the number of simultaneous vaccinations a child receives and the risk of serious injury or death. The report cites a 2012 study that looked at raw data from the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The authors looked at VAERS data on infants from 1990 through 2010—about 38,000 reports in total. The study found that infants receiving multiple vaccines concurrently, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die, compared with infants who received fewer vaccinations in one visit. Age was also a factor: adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants.

The CDC recommends a combination of up to eight vaccines during a single visit to the pediatrician. Medical literature makes it clear that this is not for the child. It is because parents cannot be trusted to bring their children back again and again to receive the full battery of vaccines. The government’s approach to vaccine administration, with one shot piled on top of another on top of another, has never been tested for safety in clinical trials.

The author points out that skeptics of using VAERS data to draw conclusions about the safety of vaccines claim that the database doesn’t prove conclusively that the adverse events reported in VAERS are caused by vaccination. But if that’s the case, why does the CDC regularly twist VAERS data to justify its recommendations?

For example, almost 9% of the adverse reactions reported for the live attenuated influenza vaccine, for example, are classified as “serious” (fatalities, cardiovascular events, neurological debilities, etc), yet CDC researchers concluded from these same adverse event reports that the results were “reassuring.” Reassuring to whom?

Speaking of the flu vaccine, a new study once again raises the question of whether mercury (still used as a flu shot preservative) increases risk of autism.

Despite good reasons to be skeptical—and despite clear evidence of harm—the government has doubled down on vaccines, pushing more and more products on younger and younger children. The CDC appears to us to be a taxpayer-funded sales rep for industry, not a public watchdog. Given that the risk to our babies and children is grave, it is scandalous that this is allowed to go on.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6g5oF via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gNUmRG

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

So why is it OK to inject it into infants? Action Alert!

Recently, Wal-Mart asked its suppliers to remove eight chemicals, formaldehyde among them, from household products. But consumers might be surprised to find out they’re injecting their kids with that very same toxin: formaldehyde is used as a preservative in vaccines.

The same smelly chemical used to pickle frogs in high school biology is actually a probable carcinogen. Formaldehyde has been linked to all sorts of profoundly negative health effects.

Should we accept stricter standards for Walmart floor cleaners than we do for what is injected into our children? Does Walmart have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to Big Pharma? Did they direct their suppliers about formaldehyde without thinking through the implications it might have for the suppliers of their pharmacies?

Action Alert! In one month, state general assemblies will reconvene. Some of them will be considering Big Pharma-supported bills to severely restrict exemptions to mandatory vaccinations. Contact your state legislators and ask them to oppose any bill that would restrict a parent’s fundamental right to protect his or her child from a mandatory vaccine. Please send your message immediately!


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6jsvL via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gNFNNZ

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Gary Null, author of Death By Medicine, says we are. He argues that little evidence exists to support the notion that vaccines actually work to protect us from disease. Action Alert!

Take the flu. Null writes that a “study has yet to be undertaken that evaluates the long-term progress of both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children of comparable biochemistries, ages, and lifestyles.” The government won’t even report on how many vaccinated kids got the illness. Even so, there is evidence that the vaccine is not very effective, as we have reported previously. There is also evidence that supplemental vitamin D is at least as effective as the vaccine in preventing the flu.

Real scientists acknowledge that these issues are complex. For example, Null notes that many biological factors influence immunity, such as quality of the diet, levels of vitamins A and C (as well as D), exercise, stress management, and exposure to environmental toxins. Why are we suddenly so immune-compromised that we have to be vaccinated for everything under the sun?

Null also points out that we should be skeptical of claims that vaccines alone are responsible for the eradication of diseases such as smallpox. He argues that epidemiological data show that such diseases began declining well before mass vaccination. This suggests that other factors—increased sanitation, proper sewage disposal, cleaner water, improved diet, less crowded living conditions, etc.—have played a major role in the decline. Why don’t hear about this? More importantly, as we have discussed at length, Null shows once again that the herd immunity argument simply doesn’t hold up.

Action Alert! In one month, state general assemblies will reconvene. Some of them will be considering Big Pharma-supported bills to severely restrict exemptions to mandatory vaccinations. Contact your state legislators and ask them to oppose any bill that would restrict a parent’s fundamental right to protect his or her child from a mandatory vaccine. Please send your message immediately!


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6oCrI via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gNOS9I

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business Lead the State Department?

Yes, we’re referring to Mitt Romney. Action Alert!

Last week President-elect Donald Trump met with Mitt Romney. The transition team describes him as one of four leading candidates for Secretary of State.

Mitt Romney was, of course, the Republican presidential nominee who lost to Barack Obama in 2012. He was also the governor of Massachusetts, sponsored “Romneycare” (the model for Obamacare), and had a lucrative business career at Bain Consulting and then Bain Capital.

What many might not know about Romney, however, is that he played a key role in introducing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the world.

Some context: In the 1970s, Monsanto was in crisis. It was predominantly a chemical company, and the US had just banned PCBs (industrial coolants)—chemicals over which the company had enjoyed a decades-long near monopoly. Monsanto had allegedly covered up the dangers of PCBs for years and was facing multiple lawsuits. The company was also heavily invested in DDT, which was banned in 1972, creating yet another public relations and legal nightmare.

It was at this time that Monsanto began working with Bain, a consulting firm, and young consultant Mitt Romney dreamed up the idea of steering Monsanto away from the chemical business and into the emerging biotech business—GMOs and Roundup in particular. The rest is history.

Well, what does the State Department have to do with Monsanto? A lot, actually. Emails released by Wikileaks reveal that the State Department has been acting as the “de facto global marketing arm” of Monsanto and the biotech industry for years. State Department communications from embassies around the world show US diplomats attempting to strong-arm foreign countries into accepting Monsanto’s control over their agriculture.

Reuters reported that “one 2009 cable shows the embassy in Spain seeking ‘high-level US government intervention’ at the ‘urgent request’ of Monsanto to combat biotech crop opponents there.” Our ambassador in France was also looking for punitive measures to use against countries that did not play ball. Do we really want to put Romney in charge of this?

Action Alert! Contact the Trump Transition Team at 1800 F Street NW, Washington DC 20006 and express your concerns about Romney as Secretary of State. Please send your message immediately.

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g79BkF via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gNLPxX

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business Lead the State Department?

Yes, we’re referring to Mitt Romney. Action Alert!

Last week President-elect Donald Trump met with Mitt Romney. The transition team describes him as one of four leading candidates for Secretary of State.

Mitt Romney was, of course, the Republican presidential nominee who lost to Barack Obama in 2012. He was also the governor of Massachusetts, sponsored “Romneycare” (the model for Obamacare), and had a lucrative business career at Bain Consulting and then Bain Capital.

What many might not know about Romney, however, is that he played a key role in introducing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the world.

Some context: In the 1970s, Monsanto was in crisis. It was predominantly a chemical company, and the US had just banned PCBs (industrial coolants)—chemicals over which the company had enjoyed a decades-long near monopoly. Monsanto had allegedly covered up the dangers of PCBs for years and was facing multiple lawsuits. The company was also heavily invested in DDT, which was banned in 1972, creating yet another public relations and legal nightmare.

It was at this time that Monsanto began working with Bain, a consulting firm, and young consultant Mitt Romney dreamed up the idea of steering Monsanto away from the chemical business and into the emerging biotech business—GMOs and Roundup in particular. The rest is history.

Well, what does the State Department have to do with Monsanto? A lot, actually. Emails released by Wikileaks reveal that the State Department has been acting as the “de facto global marketing arm” of Monsanto and the biotech industry for years. State Department communications from embassies around the world show US diplomats attempting to strong-arm foreign countries into accepting Monsanto’s control over their agriculture.

Reuters reported that “one 2009 cable shows the embassy in Spain seeking ‘high-level US government intervention’ at the ‘urgent request’ of Monsanto to combat biotech crop opponents there.” Our ambassador in France was also looking for punitive measures to use against countries that did not play ball. Do we really want to put Romney in charge of this?

Action Alert! Contact the Trump Transition Team at 1800 F Street NW, Washington DC 20006 and express your concerns about Romney as Secretary of State. Please send your message immediately.

Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g79BkF via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gh3NZ2

Supplements in Canada under Attack

Health Canada (Canada’s equivalent of the US Department of Health and Human Services) is proposing a new set of regulations for natural health products. If that sounds ominous, it is. Action Alert!

The proposal would lump “low-risk” natural health products, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and cosmetics together. These products would be prevented from making any disease treatment or prevention claims on their labels. Currently, for example, a company selling curcumin can list the health benefits of curcumin for inflammation. Under the new rules, the label couldn’t have any information other than that the product is called curcumin.

In the US, at least, the bottle of curcumin might be able to mention some health benefits, so long as it does not refer to any specific disease. “Heart healthy” or “brain healthy,” for example, would be OK, while “prevents heart disease” or “reverses dementia” would not. Canada would not even allow “heart or brain healthy.”

Natural health products considered “high” or “moderate” risk—such as OTC painkillers or new medicinal ingredients—would be reviewed by Health Canada and could only make claims if enough scientific evidence is provided. We know how that works—enough is never enough for regulators in bed with Big Pharma!

Currently, Canadian regulations allow these products to make certain health claims based on different kinds of evidence. This includes clinical studies, but also histories of use in traditional medicine. Under the new proposal, pharmaceutical-style evidence would be required. As we have explained before, supplements are not suitable for drug studies for many reasons, including the fact that supplement use depends on the patient’s nutritional status, and that dietary co-factors are usually involved.

Health Canada is no doubt doing this in concert with the US Food and Drug Administration. We’ve been telling you about the FDA’s massive attack on supplements through its new supplement guidance. If the FDA is allowed to continue tightening its control over supplements by forcing pre-approval as with drugs, we will eventually have few supplements, and the ones that remain will have little therapeutic value.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has also apparently been enlisted by the FDA to limit the information consumers can have about natural health products. In the POM Wonderful case, the FTC attempted to force natural product companies to pay for two random-controlled trials (RCTs)—a drug standard—before they can make certain health claims. This was ruled unconstitutional, but the court said that requiring one RCT might be OK. The cost of such a study is not usually feasible for natural (and therefore not patentable) substances.

Action Alert! If you haven’t done so already, write to the FDA and tell them to abandon their New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) guidance and allow the supplement industry to come up with its own guidance for new supplements. (NDI guidance is the pre-approval process we mentioned). Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g74eSz via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2hdeWYu

Action Alert: Tell State Legislatures to Preserve Vaccine Choice

Related article:Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Trouble Taking Action? Click here.

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from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6SUpz via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2hdgpyi

Supplements in Canada under Attack

Health Canada (Canada’s equivalent of the US Department of Health and Human Services) is proposing a new set of regulations for natural health products. If that sounds ominous, it is. Action Alert!

The proposal would lump “low-risk” natural health products, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and cosmetics together. These products would be prevented from making any disease treatment or prevention claims on their labels. Currently, for example, a company selling curcumin can list the health benefits of curcumin for inflammation. Under the new rules, the label couldn’t have any information other than that the product is called curcumin.

In the US, at least, the bottle of curcumin might be able to mention some health benefits, so long as it does not refer to any specific disease. “Heart healthy” or “brain healthy,” for example, would be OK, while “prevents heart disease” or “reverses dementia” would not. Canada would not even allow “heart or brain healthy.”

Natural health products considered “high” or “moderate” risk—such as OTC painkillers or new medicinal ingredients—would be reviewed by Health Canada and could only make claims if enough scientific evidence is provided. We know how that works—enough is never enough for regulators in bed with Big Pharma!

Currently, Canadian regulations allow these products to make certain health claims based on different kinds of evidence. This includes clinical studies, but also histories of use in traditional medicine. Under the new proposal, pharmaceutical-style evidence would be required. As we have explained before, supplements are not suitable for drug studies for many reasons, including the fact that supplement use depends on the patient’s nutritional status, and that dietary co-factors are usually involved.

Health Canada is no doubt doing this in concert with the US Food and Drug Administration. We’ve been telling you about the FDA’s massive attack on supplements through its new supplement guidance. If the FDA is allowed to continue tightening its control over supplements by forcing pre-approval as with drugs, we will eventually have few supplements, and the ones that remain will have little therapeutic value.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has also apparently been enlisted by the FDA to limit the information consumers can have about natural health products. In the POM Wonderful case, the FTC attempted to force natural product companies to pay for two random-controlled trials (RCTs)—a drug standard—before they can make certain health claims. This was ruled unconstitutional, but the court said that requiring one RCT might be OK. The cost of such a study is not usually feasible for natural (and therefore not patentable) substances.

Action Alert! If you haven’t done so already, write to the FDA and tell them to abandon their New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) guidance and allow the supplement industry to come up with its own guidance for new supplements. (NDI guidance is the pre-approval process we mentioned). Please send your message immediately.


Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:

Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Walmart Bans Formaldehyde

Are We Being Lied to about Vaccine Efficacy?

Will the “Father” of Monsanto’s GMO Business  Lead the State Department?

Supplements in Canada under Attack

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g74eSz via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gZknez

Action Alert: Tell State Legislatures to Preserve Vaccine Choice

Related article:Study: Give Fewer Same-Day Vaccines—at an Older Age

Trouble Taking Action? Click here.

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g6SUpz via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2gNGdDX

The Drug Genie

Take Action

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g5mAZb via Aloe for Health

from http://ift.tt/2gMauDf

The Drug Genie

Take Action

from The Alliance for Natural Health http://ift.tt/2g5mAZb via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2g6aNVB