Friday, August 31, 2018

Healthcare Price Transparency Gets a Boost

A new Trump administration rule will allow consumers to better understand the prices for hospital procedures.

From the Washington Examiner:

Hospitals will be required to post the prices they charge for surgeries and other medical procedures online under a new Trump administration rule… Previously, CMS required that hospitals make the information available to anyone who asks for it. Under the new rule, hospitals will need to update the prices every year beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

Comment: This could make a big difference for consumers. We’ve written before how hospitals are a crony capitalist mess and charge vastly different prices for the same services—even facilities in the same area. This much-needed reform will allow consumers to avoid hospitals charging extortionist prices.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Did Acid Blockers Put Senator in Hospital?

These OTC drugs cause more problems than they fix.

From Fox News:

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer was in the hospital on Wednesday after getting a pneumonia diagnosis a day earlier, and was expected to make a full recovery.

The Maryland Democrat, 79, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital on Tuesday with pneumococcal pneumonia, his office said in a statement.

Comment: We believe Rep. Hoyer is almost certainly on acid blockers, which have been linked to pneumonia, as well as tuberculosis and typhoid. The stomach is normally a sterile environment, with stomach acid killing off harmful bacteria we’re exposed to through food and liquids. Reducing stomach acid with acid blockers changes the pH of your stomach and allows bacteria to grow. These drugs cause more problems than they fix, since a lot of heartburn cases are caused by too little stomach acid, rather than too much.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Pharma Owns LA Times

The newspaper has been bought by a biotech billionaire, further entrenching Big Pharma’s control of the media.

From the LA Times:

Biotech billionaire Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong on Monday will take control of the Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune, two historic newspapers rooted in Southern California civic life for more than 135 years — that now must adapt for the digital age.

Soon-Shiong is spending $500 million to acquire the news organizations, along with Spanish-language Hoy and a handful of community newspapers, from Chicago-based Tronc.

Comment: Usually Big Pharma influences the media through the billions the industry spends on advertising, but this time the tactic is outright ownership. Note too that Dr. Soon-Shiong is in the vaccine business, so we can expect the LA Times to be vocal supporters of what the state of California is doing to make it impossible for parents to deviate from the vaccination schedule.  Not only has the state eliminated all non-medical exemptions to vaccination; they are cracking down on doctors offering medical exemptions, too.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Healthcare Price Transparency Gets a Boost

A new Trump administration rule will allow consumers to better understand the prices for hospital procedures.

From the Washington Examiner:

Hospitals will be required to post the prices they charge for surgeries and other medical procedures online under a new Trump administration rule… Previously, CMS required that hospitals make the information available to anyone who asks for it. Under the new rule, hospitals will need to update the prices every year beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

Comment: This could make a big difference for consumers. We’ve written before how hospitals are a crony capitalist mess and charge vastly different prices for the same services—even facilities in the same area. This much-needed reform will allow consumers to avoid hospitals charging extortionist prices.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Did Acid Blockers Put Senator in Hospital?

These OTC drugs cause more problems than they fix.

From Fox News:

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer was in the hospital on Wednesday after getting a pneumonia diagnosis a day earlier, and was expected to make a full recovery.

The Maryland Democrat, 79, was admitted to George Washington University Hospital on Tuesday with pneumococcal pneumonia, his office said in a statement.

Comment: We believe Rep. Hoyer is almost certainly on acid blockers, which have been linked to pneumonia, as well as tuberculosis and typhoid. The stomach is normally a sterile environment, with stomach acid killing off harmful bacteria we’re exposed to through food and liquids. Reducing stomach acid with acid blockers changes the pH of your stomach and allows bacteria to grow. These drugs cause more problems than they fix, since a lot of heartburn cases are caused by too little stomach acid, rather than too much.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Pharma Owns LA Times

The newspaper has been bought by a biotech billionaire, further entrenching Big Pharma’s control of the media.

From the LA Times:

Biotech billionaire Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong on Monday will take control of the Los Angeles Times and San Diego Union-Tribune, two historic newspapers rooted in Southern California civic life for more than 135 years — that now must adapt for the digital age.

Soon-Shiong is spending $500 million to acquire the news organizations, along with Spanish-language Hoy and a handful of community newspapers, from Chicago-based Tronc.

Comment: Usually Big Pharma influences the media through the billions the industry spends on advertising, but this time the tactic is outright ownership. Note too that Dr. Soon-Shiong is in the vaccine business, so we can expect the LA Times to be vocal supporters of what the state of California is doing to make it impossible for parents to deviate from the vaccination schedule.  Not only has the state eliminated all non-medical exemptions to vaccination; they are cracking down on doctors offering medical exemptions, too.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Say “NO” to Pesticides, and “YES” to CBD!

The 2018 Farm Bill is currently being created from the House and Senate versions. We must make sure bad provisions are eliminated, and good provisions stay in the final bill. Action Alert!

Congress is in the process of completing the 2018 Farm Bill, and it is imperative that we ensure that bad provisions that would increase the amount of pesticides we are exposed to are eliminated, and good provisions that would legalize CBD oil and help prevent organic fraud remain.

Over the last few months, we’ve been telling you about the process to create the 2018 Farm Bill, a huge piece of omnibus legislation that amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars of government spending. The House passes its bill, the Senate passes its bill, and then the two bills are “reconciled” into a final bill.

The House’s legislation included a number of troubling elements. One of the biggest problems with the House bill is that it would allow more pesticides to be sprayed on organic crops. There is a National List of approved and prohibited substances for organic production—some synthetic substances are allowed in organic farming, and some natural substances (like arsenic and strychnine) are prohibited. Items are added to the list through the National Organic Standards Board, which uses specific criteria (such as the effects on human health, effects on the ecosystem, availability of alternatives, etc.) to evaluate whether a substance can be used in organic agriculture.

The Farm Bill creates an expedited process for items to be added to the National List. If the FDA or the EPA determine there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from exposure to the pesticide, a separate task force can be convened to determine if the substance can be added to the National List. Considering that the EPA has, for instance, outrageously concluded that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is safe, this provision opens up an avenue for all kinds of toxic pesticides to be added to the National List and sprayed on our organic food.

Not only does the House bill threaten organic integrity through increased use of pesticides; it preempts Americans at the city, county, and community level from restricting the use of pesticides. Other provisions would allow farmers to spray pesticides into water, including drinking water sources. Keep in mind our water is already being contaminated by pesticides. This has been linked to low birth weights, more breast cancer, and lower sperm counts. If the House removes protections that increase more pesticides being dumped in our water, these problems will get worse.

We must make sure these provisions are eliminated from the final bill.

The Senate version includes language legalizing hemp as an agricultural commodity and removing it from the federal list of controlled substances. It also defines cannabinoids (CBD) with a THC concentration of less than 0.3% as hemp, thus legalizing CBD oil that meets the 0.3% threshold. This is an important step in our campaign to fight for consumer access to CBD oil, a cheap, safe, effective, and non-addictive alternative to opioids for pain. There are other threats to consumer access to affordable CBD oil, notably GW Pharmaceutical’s new CBD drug for epilepsy which will carry a $32,500 per year price tag. The FDA has already said CBD is not a supplement based on GW’s investigational new drug (IND) application. Based on this finding, FDA could, if it so chooses, move to pull all CBD from the market. It is nonetheless encouraging that the government, via the Senate’s version of the farm bill, may remove at least one obstacle to affordable CBD.

As we mentioned previously, the Senate’s bill also includes provisions aimed at increasing oversight over the organic supply chain in an effort to curb the importation of fake organic grains that have been inundating the US market. As we’ve argued before, more regulations will not replace a will to enforce the law, which the USDA apparently lacks. But, more serious oversight over the supply chain might help prevent some degree of fraud, so these measures could arguably help consumers.

As the Congressional conference committee creates the final 2018 Farm Bill, it is imperative that they hear from constituents, about both the bad provisions that will endanger consumers that should be eliminated, and the good provisions that the bill should retain.

Action Alert! Write to your congressional representatives and urge them to protect consumers in the 2018 Farm Bill. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


FDA to Ban More Supplements?

An advisory committee is meeting to make recommendations to the FDA on whether or not to ban certain supplements from being made at specialized pharmacies. Action Alert!

On September 12, the FDA’s advisory committee on compounded medicine—medicine made for individual patients at specialized pharmacies—will meet to discuss five ingredients: alpha lipoic acid, CoQ10, creatine monohydrate, pyridoxal 5 phosphate (P5P), and quercetin dihydrate. If the agency doesn’t hear from patients and concerned citizens, we may lose access to individualized preparations of these important dietary ingredients.

The Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) advises the FDA in writing new rules regarding what supplements and drugs can be made individually for patients with specific needs by compounding pharmacies. PCAC has met a handful of times over the last few years, and as we’ve noted elsewhere, the track record is not good. The committee has voted to ban almost every dietary ingredient put before it, including curcumin, boswellia, and aloe vera—usually following the FDA’s recommendation. It’s important to note that PCAC meetings are one step in the FDA’s process; to ban an ingredient from compounding requires publishing a proposed rulemaking, which the public can comment on and voice concerns about.

Some of the substances being considered in September are extremely important:

  • Alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that can protect against oxidative stress and the production of free radicals, one of the underlying causes of diabetes. It’s been found to help with diabetic neuropathy, nerve damage that occurs as a result of the toxic effects of high glucose levels on the nervous system in people with diabetes. Alpha lipoic acid offers a number of other benefits, including reducing blood pressure, reducing insulin resistance, protecting against cataract formation, preventing bone loss, removing toxic metals from the body, and more.
  • Quercetin, a polyphenol found in red wine, garlic, apples, and green vegetables, is another antioxidant with many health benefits. It can modulate inflammation, which is involved in almost every chronic disease. It’s been shown to reduce the replication of viruses. It helps with cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, among many other ailments.
  • CoQ10 is an antioxidant that the body produces naturally and that cells use for growth and maintenance. It has many well-documented health benefits, including benefits for heart failure patients, guarding against age-related disorders and cancer, preventing the onset of migraines, and more.
  • P5P is a form of vitamin B6. It is essential to human life—all forms of B6 must get converted to P5P for the body to use it. It’s known for its role as an anti-glycation agent. Glycation arises when sugars react with proteins to generate advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which result in cataract development in the eyes, reduced kidney function, damage to blood vessels, and sagging and wrinkling skin as we age.

If the FDA bans any or all of these ingredients, it will once again be turning its back on patients with special needs. One of the main purposes of compounded medicine is so that patients with allergies, patients who have difficulty swallowing pills, patients who require specialized formulations not available elsewhere, such as autistic children, or patients who require other modifications to the dietary ingredients and medicines available in the market can get the individualized treatments they need. For example, an FDA-approved product may have peanut oil in it, so patients could go to a compounding pharmacy to get a peanut-free medicine. Restricting the list of ingredients available to compounders will make life harder for these patients.

The main motivation behind the FDA’s attacks on compounded medicine is to protect the pharmaceutical industry from competition. With no other choice, patients who rely on compounded medicine would have to buy Big Pharma’s drugs. We can’t let them whittle away the ingredients allowed to be compounded.  This “death by a thousand cuts” could end access for us to compounding pharmacies altogether.

Action Alert! Write to Congress, the FDA, and PCAC, telling them to preserve consumer access to these compounded medicines. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Can Homeopathy Be Saved?

The FDA is threatening homeopathy’s future. Here’s how we can save it. Action Alert!

The FDA has proposed a new policy for regulating homeopathy—a policy which is a direct threat to many, many homeopathic medicines. To fully protect consumer access to these treatments, we need Congress to pass a law.

Congress and the FDA have always exempted homeopathy from the same drug requirements as pharmaceutical drugs. Now the FDA, with pressure from big pharmaceutical companies who compete with homeopathic medicine, wants to create an unnecessary policy. As you’ll remember from our previous coverage, the FDA’s new policy states that no homeopathic medicines have been “generally recognized as safe and effective” (GRAS/E) by the FDA or gone through traditional FDA drug approval; therefore technically speaking all homeopathic medicines currently on the market are being sold illegally. However, the FDA said it would prioritize enforcement on products with safety concerns.

Homeopathy has grown into a $3 billion market with increasing demand from consumers looking for alternatives to prescription medicine. If we want continued consumer options for our health we need to send a message to Congress.

In response to the FDA’s new proposal, homeopathy advocates are arguing for a return to the Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) used since 1988.  This document, which has provided regulatory guidance for homeopathic remedies, provides a definition for homeopathic drugs, current good manufacturing practices and labeling requirements. Going back to the CPG would help protect our present access but would still leave homeopathic medicine vulnerable to future agency action. Homeopathy should remain permanently exempted from traditional over the counter drug standards.

For example, over-the-counter homeopathic medicines are subject to the FDA’s drug review process, which began in 1972 and has since continued. The purpose of this process was to establish that every over-the-counter drug is both safe and effective. At that time, the FDA exempted homeopathic drugs, deciding to review them “as a separate category at a later time after the present over the counter drug review is complete” due to the “uniqueness of homeopathic medicine.”

This means that, at any time, the FDA has the power to review homeopathic drugs and is not required by federal statute to treat them differently than other over-the-counter medicines.

Subjecting homeopathy to new drug efficacy requirements would likely eliminate many medicines from the market. Homeopathy has been around since the early 19th century; many of the preparations in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia—the official compendium of homeopathic monographs and standards—were included based on a history of successful use. This means they can’t be patented now, since they aren’t novel; patents also expire after twenty years, so even if they were patentable when they were first developed, that protection would have ended long ago. Without patent protection, it would be impossible for a company to recoup the astronomical costs of conducting drug trials to prove efficacy, which is required for traditional FDA approval. Forcing efficacy studies for homeopathy would also be duplicative, since the criteria for inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia require that a product be safe and effective.

To truly save homeopathy, what is needed is federal legislation that acknowledges homeopathic medicine’s uniqueness and the inapplicability of conventional drug standards. It should provide a definition of homeopathic products, guidelines for manufacturing standards, and recognize the long history of homeopathy’s safe use. This legislation could provide a framework by “grandfathering” homeopathic medicines that have a history of safe use rather than requiring an unnecessary review process. For new homeopathic products, a notification system, recognizing homeopathy’s uniqueness, could be devised.

Why is homeopathy unique? While most medicine is based on drugs—that is, the use of pharmacological agents to treat or suppress the symptoms of a disease—homeopathy is an attempt to prompt the body to cure itself. It is based on the idea of “like treats like.” When you chop a red onion, for example, it causes watery eyes and a runny nose in most people. Allium cepa is a remedy created from red onion; in very small doses, Allium cepa is intended to activate the body’s own mechanism for stopping watery eyes and a runny nose. Homeopathic medicine is often so diluted that the original ingredient is virtually undetectable.

Homeopathy’s distinct nature was recognized by Congress when the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) was passed in 1938. Congress defined “drug” in part as a substance recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), or official National Formulary (NF) or any supplement to them. The law, then, did not merge homeopathy with prescription medicines, but recognized them as distinct schools of thought in medical practice. The current proposal is most likely being pushed by big drug companies threatened by the increasing demand for homeopathic medicines that reduces their financial profit.

We need a permanent solution. Federal legislation is the only option that can legally protect homeopathy.

Action Alert! Write to your members of Congress and urge them to champion legislation that would grandfather current homeopathic medicines, while creating a notification system for new products. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Say “NO” to Pesticides, and “YES” to CBD!

The 2018 Farm Bill is currently being created from the House and Senate versions. We must make sure bad provisions are eliminated, and good provisions stay in the final bill. Action Alert!

Congress is in the process of completing the 2018 Farm Bill, and it is imperative that we ensure that bad provisions that would increase the amount of pesticides we are exposed to are eliminated, and good provisions that would legalize CBD oil and help prevent organic fraud remain.

Over the last few months, we’ve been telling you about the process to create the 2018 Farm Bill, a huge piece of omnibus legislation that amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars of government spending. The House passes its bill, the Senate passes its bill, and then the two bills are “reconciled” into a final bill.

The House’s legislation included a number of troubling elements. One of the biggest problems with the House bill is that it would allow more pesticides to be sprayed on organic crops. There is a National List of approved and prohibited substances for organic production—some synthetic substances are allowed in organic farming, and some natural substances (like arsenic and strychnine) are prohibited. Items are added to the list through the National Organic Standards Board, which uses specific criteria (such as the effects on human health, effects on the ecosystem, availability of alternatives, etc.) to evaluate whether a substance can be used in organic agriculture.

The Farm Bill creates an expedited process for items to be added to the National List. If the FDA or the EPA determine there is a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from exposure to the pesticide, a separate task force can be convened to determine if the substance can be added to the National List. Considering that the EPA has, for instance, outrageously concluded that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is safe, this provision opens up an avenue for all kinds of toxic pesticides to be added to the National List and sprayed on our organic food.

Not only does the House bill threaten organic integrity through increased use of pesticides; it preempts Americans at the city, county, and community level from restricting the use of pesticides. Other provisions would allow farmers to spray pesticides into water, including drinking water sources. Keep in mind our water is already being contaminated by pesticides. This has been linked to low birth weights, more breast cancer, and lower sperm counts. If the House removes protections that increase more pesticides being dumped in our water, these problems will get worse.

We must make sure these provisions are eliminated from the final bill.

The Senate version includes language legalizing hemp as an agricultural commodity and removing it from the federal list of controlled substances. It also defines cannabinoids (CBD) with a THC concentration of less than 0.3% as hemp, thus legalizing CBD oil that meets the 0.3% threshold. This is an important step in our campaign to fight for consumer access to CBD oil, a cheap, safe, effective, and non-addictive alternative to opioids for pain. There are other threats to consumer access to affordable CBD oil, notably GW Pharmaceutical’s new CBD drug for epilepsy which will carry a $32,500 per year price tag. The FDA has already said CBD is not a supplement based on GW’s investigational new drug (IND) application. Based on this finding, FDA could, if it so chooses, move to pull all CBD from the market. It is nonetheless encouraging that the government, via the Senate’s version of the farm bill, may remove at least one obstacle to affordable CBD.

As we mentioned previously, the Senate’s bill also includes provisions aimed at increasing oversight over the organic supply chain in an effort to curb the importation of fake organic grains that have been inundating the US market. As we’ve argued before, more regulations will not replace a will to enforce the law, which the USDA apparently lacks. But, more serious oversight over the supply chain might help prevent some degree of fraud, so these measures could arguably help consumers.

As the Congressional conference committee creates the final 2018 Farm Bill, it is imperative that they hear from constituents, about both the bad provisions that will endanger consumers that should be eliminated, and the good provisions that the bill should retain.

Action Alert! Write to your congressional representatives and urge them to protect consumers in the 2018 Farm Bill. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

FDA to Ban More Supplements?

An advisory committee is meeting to make recommendations to the FDA on whether or not to ban certain supplements from being made at specialized pharmacies. Action Alert!

On September 12, the FDA’s advisory committee on compounded medicine—medicine made for individual patients at specialized pharmacies—will meet to discuss five ingredients: alpha lipoic acid, CoQ10, creatine monohydrate, pyridoxal 5 phosphate (P5P), and quercetin dihydrate. If the agency doesn’t hear from patients and concerned citizens, we may lose access to individualized preparations of these important dietary ingredients.

The Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) advises the FDA in writing new rules regarding what supplements and drugs can be made individually for patients with specific needs by compounding pharmacies. PCAC has met a handful of times over the last few years, and as we’ve noted elsewhere, the track record is not good. The committee has voted to ban almost every dietary ingredient put before it, including curcumin, boswellia, and aloe vera—usually following the FDA’s recommendation. It’s important to note that PCAC meetings are one step in the FDA’s process; to ban an ingredient from compounding requires publishing a proposed rulemaking, which the public can comment on and voice concerns about.

Some of the substances being considered in September are extremely important:

  • Alpha lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant that can protect against oxidative stress and the production of free radicals, one of the underlying causes of diabetes. It’s been found to help with diabetic neuropathy, nerve damage that occurs as a result of the toxic effects of high glucose levels on the nervous system in people with diabetes. Alpha lipoic acid offers a number of other benefits, including reducing blood pressure, reducing insulin resistance, protecting against cataract formation, preventing bone loss, removing toxic metals from the body, and more.
  • Quercetin, a polyphenol found in red wine, garlic, apples, and green vegetables, is another antioxidant with many health benefits. It can modulate inflammation, which is involved in almost every chronic disease. It’s been shown to reduce the replication of viruses. It helps with cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, among many other ailments.
  • CoQ10 is an antioxidant that the body produces naturally and that cells use for growth and maintenance. It has many well-documented health benefits, including benefits for heart failure patients, guarding against age-related disorders and cancer, preventing the onset of migraines, and more.
  • P5P is a form of vitamin B6. It is essential to human life—all forms of B6 must get converted to P5P for the body to use it. It’s known for its role as an anti-glycation agent. Glycation arises when sugars react with proteins to generate advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which result in cataract development in the eyes, reduced kidney function, damage to blood vessels, and sagging and wrinkling skin as we age.

If the FDA bans any or all of these ingredients, it will once again be turning its back on patients with special needs. One of the main purposes of compounded medicine is so that patients with allergies, patients who have difficulty swallowing pills, patients who require specialized formulations not available elsewhere, such as autistic children, or patients who require other modifications to the dietary ingredients and medicines available in the market can get the individualized treatments they need. For example, an FDA-approved product may have peanut oil in it, so patients could go to a compounding pharmacy to get a peanut-free medicine. Restricting the list of ingredients available to compounders will make life harder for these patients.

The main motivation behind the FDA’s attacks on compounded medicine is to protect the pharmaceutical industry from competition. With no other choice, patients who rely on compounded medicine would have to buy Big Pharma’s drugs. We can’t let them whittle away the ingredients allowed to be compounded.  This “death by a thousand cuts” could end access for us to compounding pharmacies altogether.

Action Alert! Write to Congress, the FDA, and PCAC, telling them to preserve consumer access to these compounded medicines. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Can Homeopathy Be Saved?

The FDA is threatening homeopathy’s future. Here’s how we can save it. Action Alert!

The FDA has proposed a new policy for regulating homeopathy—a policy which is a direct threat to many, many homeopathic medicines. To fully protect consumer access to these treatments, we need Congress to pass a law.

Congress and the FDA have always exempted homeopathy from the same drug requirements as pharmaceutical drugs. Now the FDA, with pressure from big pharmaceutical companies who compete with homeopathic medicine, wants to create an unnecessary policy. As you’ll remember from our previous coverage, the FDA’s new policy states that no homeopathic medicines have been “generally recognized as safe and effective” (GRAS/E) by the FDA or gone through traditional FDA drug approval; therefore technically speaking all homeopathic medicines currently on the market are being sold illegally. However, the FDA said it would prioritize enforcement on products with safety concerns.

Homeopathy has grown into a $3 billion market with increasing demand from consumers looking for alternatives to prescription medicine. If we want continued consumer options for our health we need to send a message to Congress.

In response to the FDA’s new proposal, homeopathy advocates are arguing for a return to the Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) used since 1988.  This document, which has provided regulatory guidance for homeopathic remedies, provides a definition for homeopathic drugs, current good manufacturing practices and labeling requirements. Going back to the CPG would help protect our present access but would still leave homeopathic medicine vulnerable to future agency action. Homeopathy should remain permanently exempted from traditional over the counter drug standards.

For example, over-the-counter homeopathic medicines are subject to the FDA’s drug review process, which began in 1972 and has since continued. The purpose of this process was to establish that every over-the-counter drug is both safe and effective. At that time, the FDA exempted homeopathic drugs, deciding to review them “as a separate category at a later time after the present over the counter drug review is complete” due to the “uniqueness of homeopathic medicine.”

This means that, at any time, the FDA has the power to review homeopathic drugs and is not required by federal statute to treat them differently than other over-the-counter medicines.

Subjecting homeopathy to new drug efficacy requirements would likely eliminate many medicines from the market. Homeopathy has been around since the early 19th century; many of the preparations in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia—the official compendium of homeopathic monographs and standards—were included based on a history of successful use. This means they can’t be patented now, since they aren’t novel; patents also expire after twenty years, so even if they were patentable when they were first developed, that protection would have ended long ago. Without patent protection, it would be impossible for a company to recoup the astronomical costs of conducting drug trials to prove efficacy, which is required for traditional FDA approval. Forcing efficacy studies for homeopathy would also be duplicative, since the criteria for inclusion in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia require that a product be safe and effective.

To truly save homeopathy, what is needed is federal legislation that acknowledges homeopathic medicine’s uniqueness and the inapplicability of conventional drug standards. It should provide a definition of homeopathic products, guidelines for manufacturing standards, and recognize the long history of homeopathy’s safe use. This legislation could provide a framework by “grandfathering” homeopathic medicines that have a history of safe use rather than requiring an unnecessary review process. For new homeopathic products, a notification system, recognizing homeopathy’s uniqueness, could be devised.

Why is homeopathy unique? While most medicine is based on drugs—that is, the use of pharmacological agents to treat or suppress the symptoms of a disease—homeopathy is an attempt to prompt the body to cure itself. It is based on the idea of “like treats like.” When you chop a red onion, for example, it causes watery eyes and a runny nose in most people. Allium cepa is a remedy created from red onion; in very small doses, Allium cepa is intended to activate the body’s own mechanism for stopping watery eyes and a runny nose. Homeopathic medicine is often so diluted that the original ingredient is virtually undetectable.

Homeopathy’s distinct nature was recognized by Congress when the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) was passed in 1938. Congress defined “drug” in part as a substance recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), or official National Formulary (NF) or any supplement to them. The law, then, did not merge homeopathy with prescription medicines, but recognized them as distinct schools of thought in medical practice. The current proposal is most likely being pushed by big drug companies threatened by the increasing demand for homeopathic medicines that reduces their financial profit.

We need a permanent solution. Federal legislation is the only option that can legally protect homeopathy.

Action Alert! Write to your members of Congress and urge them to champion legislation that would grandfather current homeopathic medicines, while creating a notification system for new products. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Action Alert: Tell Congress to Protect Consumers in Final Farm Bill

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Action Alert: Tell PCAC to Protect Natural Medicine

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


The Homeopathy Files

Take Action!

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Voices of Freedom: Zen Honeycutt

Zen Honeycutt, founder of the advocacy group Moms Across America, talks about the reasons why mothers have become such an important advocacy group and how they make their voices heard.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Action Alert: Save Homeopathy!

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Action Alert: Tell Congress to Protect Consumers in Final Farm Bill

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Action Alert: Tell PCAC to Protect Natural Medicine

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
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The Homeopathy Files

Take Action!

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
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Voices of Freedom: Zen Honeycutt

Zen Honeycutt, founder of the advocacy group Moms Across America, talks about the reasons why mothers have become such an important advocacy group and how they make their voices heard.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Action Alert: Save Homeopathy!

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
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Thursday, August 9, 2018

BPA-Free, but Not Toxic-Free

Consumers are demanding BPA-free products, but the alternatives are no safer. Action Alert!

The word is out about bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical that is commonly used in drinking containers, children’s toys, and other plastic products: it’s been linked to diabetes, asthma, cancer, obesity, and altered prostate and neurological development, among other illnesses. Unfortunately, the alternatives that industry is using are no safer, despite the “BPA-free” marketing ploys—but federal regulators continue to protect the chemical industry by refusing to ban these dangerous compounds.

The chemical industry has, in response to consumer demand (and an FDA ban of BPA in plastic baby bottles), used bisphenol-S (BPS) to replace BPA. However, reports indicate that BPS is just as toxic as BPA. Studies have found that even small amounts of BPS—as little as one part per trillion—can disrupt cellular functioning and impair brain development. Studies have also shown that BPS causes breast cancer cells to aggressively multiply. BPS has also been linked to heart arrhythmia and endocrine disruption, causing puberty at a premature age in females.

Despite this alarming data, nearly 81% of Americans have detectable levels of BPS in their urine.

We reported recently on other endocrine disrupting chemicals that many experts believe are behind the male fertility crisis our nation is facing, leading one researcher to remark that “not everyone who wants to reproduce will be able to.”

It is incumbent upon consumers to protect themselves from these exposures, but that can be difficult given the ubiquity of these chemicals. As we pointed out, they are in dental offices, checkout receipts, and many consumer goods.

This is where regulators should step in to protect Americans from harmful chemicals, but crony capitalism stands in the way. A recent six-year study looking at the effects of BPA found that, even in small amounts, the chemical can cause developmental changes in fetal brains. Yet the FDA doesn’t seem to care. Academic studies are often ignored by the FDA because academics tend not to follow the federal regulatory guidelines for toxicity testing—guidelines that haven’t been updated in over 40 years. Changing standards at federal agencies can be difficult; bureaucracies tend to be stubborn things, and federal agencies even more so, as they are meant (in theory) to be resistant to changing political winds. Experts now, however, are warning that these 40-year-old standards could be putting us in danger. While FDA guidelines look for obvious changes (exposure to a chemical resulting in a tumor), they are failing to capture the real dangers posed by chronic exposure chemicals that may not be acutely toxic, at the trace levels found in food packaging, for example, but still pose risks to human health. Industry studies are a different matter: in 2008, the FDA concluded that BPA posed no risk to human health based on two industry-funded studies, while 100 peer-reviewed studies that found evidence of harm were ignored. This deference to industry, which is all too common in our crony government, is ruining our health and cannot be allowed to stand.

Action Alert! Write to the FDA and Congress, and tell them to ban BPA and its analogue, BPS. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Are Microwaves Making You Sick?

Some of the latest science says the answer may be “Yes.” Action Alert!

Wireless internet, cell phones, and smart meters are ubiquitous in the modern world, but some studies have shown that there is reason to be cautious about exposure to microwave radiation (MWR). The federal government, however, is not only asleep at the wheel; it has preempted local communities from rejecting cell phone towers based on very real health concerns. It’s time for federal regulators to take this issue seriously and stop blocking citizens from stepping in when the government fails to act.

Research has shed light on what MWR does at the cellular level. MWR activates voltage-gated calcium channels, which sends a torrent of calcium into our cells. This sets off a chain reaction: excess calcium leads to increased levels of nitric oxide and superoxide, which react together to form peroxynitrite; peroxynitrites break down to form reactive free radicals. Ultimately, this chain reaction from MWR negatively effects mitochondrial function (the “power houses” in each of our cells), causes severe cellular damage, DNA breaks, accelerates aging, and puts us at higher risk for chronic disease.

There’s more. In 2008, scientists from thirteen European countries reported that after a decade of cell phone use, the chance of getting a brain tumor—specifically on the side of the head where you use the phone—goes up as much as 40 percent for adults. An independent study in Sweden concluded that people who started using a cell phone before the age of 20 were five times as likely to develop a brain tumor. Another study reported a nearly 300 percent increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the acoustic nerve. The UN’s International Agency for Research on Cancer calls MWR a class 2B carcinogen, which means it possibly causes cancer in humans—it’s in the same category as lead, chloroform, gasoline fumes, and the pesticide DDT.

Other studies say that children are at greater risk because their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner, and their relative size is smaller. The younger the child, the greater the risk; fetuses are particularly vulnerable to MWR.

Despite these warning signs, the federal government does not seem concerned in the least with protecting us, or even researching the problem. Martin Pall, PhD, who has been studying MWR and its effects on human health for some time, has pointed out that funding for research in this area at the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Office of Naval Research, and the National Institutes of Health started drying up in the late 1980s. Now, only Iran and Turkey are doing serious research into the health effects of MWR.

Part of the problem is crony capitalism. A provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 prevents the public from blocking the construction of cell phone towers based on health concerns. This happened recently in Albemarle County in Virginia, when a planning commission could not take health risks into account when deciding whether or not to put a cell tower up near a school—potentially putting children, who are the most vulnerable to MWR, at risk. This is ludicrous, and benefits only the telecoms industry.

Don’t expect much from the Federal Communications Commission, either. The current FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, was the Associate General Counsel at Verizon.

There are, however, some simple steps that you can take in your home to protect your family:

  • Because of particular dangers to the fetus, pregnant women should avoid exposing their fetus to MWR.
  • Avoid using baby monitors on cribs.
  • Women and girls should avoid putting cell phones in their bras.
  • Hold cell phones 15 centimeters (about 6 inches) away from your ear to limit exposure—that is, use the speakerphone function or else headphones with a microphone.
  • Always keep your phone in airplane mode when carrying it on your person; it doesn’t need to be off, just in airplane mode.
  • Reduce or avoid using your phone when it is sending out high levels of radio frequency energy, which happens when you see only one or two bars displayed, you are in a fast-moving car, bus, or train, or you are streaming audio, video, or downloading large files.
  • Don’t sleep with your phone near your head.
  • Teach kids to limit cell phone use when they can, and to use alternatives like landlines and Skype, which don’t emit MWR.
  • Wi-Fi routers should be placed where people, especially children, spend the least amount of time.
  • Consider hardwiring your computers to the modem via Ethernet instead of using Wi-Fi (that’s what we do at the ANH-USA offices).
  • Opt-out of installing smart meters in your home (though this may be difficult in some states, or you may be charged both upfront and monthly fees for choosing an analog meter). Nearly half of US electricity customers have smart meters, but many customers may not even be aware of the fact. In the past, states have considered legislation to allow consumers to choose between analog and smart meters, or to require consent for smart meter installation. Currently, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and South Carolina are considering bills to allow customers to opt out of smart meter installations without paying a fee.

California is leading the way on this issue, and other states and the federal government should take note. Recently, the California Health Department released guidelines on how to minimize exposure to cell phone radiation after a researcher sued the state government for not making the recommendations public originally.

Considering how much wireless technology and other MWR-emitting devices have been woven into our everyday lives, it’s important to act now to protect our family and loved ones.

Action Alert! Write to the FCC, with a copy to Congress, to issue warnings about the damaging effects of MWR. Please send your message immediately. 

State-based action alert! Check if your state is below, and write to your state legislators and urge them to support bills that allow customers to choose analog meters. Please send your message immediately.





from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

Will Supplements Be Regulated Along with Drugs?

It’s music to the ears of the FDA—but terrible for consumers. We need to tell the administration: supplements under the law are food, not drugs! Action Alert!

As we’ve been telling you, the Trump administration has proposed merging the food safety duties of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a new Federal Food Safety Program under the USDA. This move is part of a larger restructuring of the federal government. Supplements, along with drugs, devices, biologics, tobacco, and cosmetics, would be regulated by the renamed “Federal Drug Administration.” Because drug companies will exercise overwhelming influence over the new Federal Drug Administration, the longstanding FDA project of eliminating supplements or turning them into drugs may become unstoppable.

Recent developments suggest that this plan is moving forward. First, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has introduced S. 3137, the “Reforming Government Act of 2018” that would make it possible for President Trump to start the process with Congress ​for implementing the government reorganization plan. Congressional committees are conducting hearings on the plan: The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has held a hearing, along with the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

By moving supplements with food to the USDA, the Trump administration would better achieve the goals of the government reorganization. Not only does it cut down on the regulatory inefficiencies the administration is seeking to reduce; it would better serve public health by increasing access to quality dietary supplements and also further the US’s position in global trade—an issue the President seems to care a great deal about. The FDA is already thwarting the growth of the supplement industry and making it more difficult for companies to innovate (take a look at the proposed NDI guidance, for instance), which in turn makes US products less competitive overseas. This will only get worse.

As we explained in our fundraising appeals, this reorganization is completely backwards in every respect. Recall that the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) created a separate system for the regulation of dietary supplements under the framework of food and apart from drugs. This was in recognition of the plain fact that supplements are 1) usually food-based, that is, composed of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or amino acids that can be found in food, and 2) overwhelmingly safe and do not pose the same dangers as pharmaceutical drugs.

This is borne out, for example, in adverse event reporting data, where drugs consistently register hundreds of thousands of adverse events in a year—sometimes close to a million. Supplements, on the other hand, average about 1,575 a year. Consider too that the number of Americans who use at least one prescription drug is almost the same as those who take at least one supplement: about 70% of Americans take one prescription drug, and about 68% of Americans take a dietary supplement. For these reasons, it makes sense for supplements to be regulated as and with food, not drugs.

Note also that currently under the FDA, the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs is located under the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN).  If supplements are lumped in with drugs under, for instance, the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, the project of turning supplements into drugs, and thereby making them less available and far, far more expensive, will become a lot easier.

Housing dietary supplements under the FDA has always been a bad idea. The biggest problem is the FDA’s conflict of interest: it collects billions of dollars in user fees from the drug companies it is supposed to regulate. The agency is completely beholden to the drug industry—and yet is responsible for regulating the drug industry’s competition, dietary supplements. This dynamic goes a long way in explaining why the FDA consistently targets dietary supplements. Either it tries to treat supplements like drugs, as in the case of vinpocetine, since the agency gets more user fee money when a product goes through FDA-approval; or, if a supplement can’t be patented and sold at exorbitant prices by Big Pharma, the agency moves to restrict the information that can be shared about the benefits of those products to make sure nothing can compete with the drugs that make money for the FDA. This bears repeating: The FDA gets paid whenever a substance is regulated as a drug.

The FDA has also displayed its unabashed support of Big Pharma by eliminating access to dietary supplement ingredients in its regulation of compounded drugs—customized medicines that are made at specialized pharmacies for individual patients. The FDA is currently in the process of reviewing nominations for a list of substances that can be used in these medicines, and is consistently indicating that it will be banning supplements like curcumin, boswellia, aloe vera, and more.

The point is that, any way the FDA can stack the deck against supplements and other alternatives to mass-market pharmaceuticals, it has, because, we believe, it is financially motivated to do so.

Note that there is still time to reach out to members of Congress, as well as the Trump administration, to tell them that supplements are food and should not be regulated alongside drugs.

Action Alert! Write to the President and Congress, telling them that supplements are food, not drugs, and should not be in the same agency as drugs. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
from Tumblr

BPA-Free, but Not Toxic-Free

Consumers are demanding BPA-free products, but the alternatives are no safer. Action Alert!

The word is out about bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical that is commonly used in drinking containers, children’s toys, and other plastic products: it’s been linked to diabetes, asthma, cancer, obesity, and altered prostate and neurological development, among other illnesses. Unfortunately, the alternatives that industry is using are no safer, despite the “BPA-free” marketing ploys—but federal regulators continue to protect the chemical industry by refusing to ban these dangerous compounds.

The chemical industry has, in response to consumer demand (and an FDA ban of BPA in plastic baby bottles), used bisphenol-S (BPS) to replace BPA. However, reports indicate that BPS is just as toxic as BPA. Studies have found that even small amounts of BPS—as little as one part per trillion—can disrupt cellular functioning and impair brain development. Studies have also shown that BPS causes breast cancer cells to aggressively multiply. BPS has also been linked to heart arrhythmia and endocrine disruption, causing puberty at a premature age in females.

Despite this alarming data, nearly 81% of Americans have detectable levels of BPS in their urine.

We reported recently on other endocrine disrupting chemicals that many experts believe are behind the male fertility crisis our nation is facing, leading one researcher to remark that “not everyone who wants to reproduce will be able to.”

It is incumbent upon consumers to protect themselves from these exposures, but that can be difficult given the ubiquity of these chemicals. As we pointed out, they are in dental offices, checkout receipts, and many consumer goods.

This is where regulators should step in to protect Americans from harmful chemicals, but crony capitalism stands in the way. A recent six-year study looking at the effects of BPA found that, even in small amounts, the chemical can cause developmental changes in fetal brains. Yet the FDA doesn’t seem to care. Academic studies are often ignored by the FDA because academics tend not to follow the federal regulatory guidelines for toxicity testing—guidelines that haven’t been updated in over 40 years. Changing standards at federal agencies can be difficult; bureaucracies tend to be stubborn things, and federal agencies even more so, as they are meant (in theory) to be resistant to changing political winds. Experts now, however, are warning that these 40-year-old standards could be putting us in danger. While FDA guidelines look for obvious changes (exposure to a chemical resulting in a tumor), they are failing to capture the real dangers posed by chronic exposure chemicals that may not be acutely toxic, at the trace levels found in food packaging, for example, but still pose risks to human health. Industry studies are a different matter: in 2008, the FDA concluded that BPA posed no risk to human health based on two industry-funded studies, while 100 peer-reviewed studies that found evidence of harm were ignored. This deference to industry, which is all too common in our crony government, is ruining our health and cannot be allowed to stand.

Action Alert! Write to the FDA and Congress, and tell them to ban BPA and its analogue, BPS. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Are Microwaves Making You Sick?

Some of the latest science says the answer may be “Yes.” Action Alert!

Wireless internet, cell phones, and smart meters are ubiquitous in the modern world, but some studies have shown that there is reason to be cautious about exposure to microwave radiation (MWR). The federal government, however, is not only asleep at the wheel; it has preempted local communities from rejecting cell phone towers based on very real health concerns. It’s time for federal regulators to take this issue seriously and stop blocking citizens from stepping in when the government fails to act.

Research has shed light on what MWR does at the cellular level. MWR activates voltage-gated calcium channels, which sends a torrent of calcium into our cells. This sets off a chain reaction: excess calcium leads to increased levels of nitric oxide and superoxide, which react together to form peroxynitrite; peroxynitrites break down to form reactive free radicals. Ultimately, this chain reaction from MWR negatively effects mitochondrial function (the “power houses” in each of our cells), causes severe cellular damage, DNA breaks, accelerates aging, and puts us at higher risk for chronic disease.

There’s more. In 2008, scientists from thirteen European countries reported that after a decade of cell phone use, the chance of getting a brain tumor—specifically on the side of the head where you use the phone—goes up as much as 40 percent for adults. An independent study in Sweden concluded that people who started using a cell phone before the age of 20 were five times as likely to develop a brain tumor. Another study reported a nearly 300 percent increased risk of acoustic neuroma, a tumor of the acoustic nerve. The UN’s International Agency for Research on Cancer calls MWR a class 2B carcinogen, which means it possibly causes cancer in humans—it’s in the same category as lead, chloroform, gasoline fumes, and the pesticide DDT.

Other studies say that children are at greater risk because their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner, and their relative size is smaller. The younger the child, the greater the risk; fetuses are particularly vulnerable to MWR.

Despite these warning signs, the federal government does not seem concerned in the least with protecting us, or even researching the problem. Martin Pall, PhD, who has been studying MWR and its effects on human health for some time, has pointed out that funding for research in this area at the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Office of Naval Research, and the National Institutes of Health started drying up in the late 1980s. Now, only Iran and Turkey are doing serious research into the health effects of MWR.

Part of the problem is crony capitalism. A provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 prevents the public from blocking the construction of cell phone towers based on health concerns. This happened recently in Albemarle County in Virginia, when a planning commission could not take health risks into account when deciding whether or not to put a cell tower up near a school—potentially putting children, who are the most vulnerable to MWR, at risk. This is ludicrous, and benefits only the telecoms industry.

Don’t expect much from the Federal Communications Commission, either. The current FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, was the Associate General Counsel at Verizon.

There are, however, some simple steps that you can take in your home to protect your family:

  • Because of particular dangers to the fetus, pregnant women should avoid exposing their fetus to MWR.
  • Avoid using baby monitors on cribs.
  • Women and girls should avoid putting cell phones in their bras.
  • Hold cell phones 15 centimeters (about 6 inches) away from your ear to limit exposure—that is, use the speakerphone function or else headphones with a microphone.
  • Always keep your phone in airplane mode when carrying it on your person; it doesn’t need to be off, just in airplane mode.
  • Reduce or avoid using your phone when it is sending out high levels of radio frequency energy, which happens when you see only one or two bars displayed, you are in a fast-moving car, bus, or train, or you are streaming audio, video, or downloading large files.
  • Don’t sleep with your phone near your head.
  • Teach kids to limit cell phone use when they can, and to use alternatives like landlines and Skype, which don’t emit MWR.
  • Wi-Fi routers should be placed where people, especially children, spend the least amount of time.
  • Consider hardwiring your computers to the modem via Ethernet instead of using Wi-Fi (that’s what we do at the ANH-USA offices).
  • Opt-out of installing smart meters in your home (though this may be difficult in some states, or you may be charged both upfront and monthly fees for choosing an analog meter). Nearly half of US electricity customers have smart meters, but many customers may not even be aware of the fact. In the past, states have considered legislation to allow consumers to choose between analog and smart meters, or to require consent for smart meter installation. Currently, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and South Carolina are considering bills to allow customers to opt out of smart meter installations without paying a fee.

California is leading the way on this issue, and other states and the federal government should take note. Recently, the California Health Department released guidelines on how to minimize exposure to cell phone radiation after a researcher sued the state government for not making the recommendations public originally.

Considering how much wireless technology and other MWR-emitting devices have been woven into our everyday lives, it’s important to act now to protect our family and loved ones.

Action Alert! Write to the FCC, with a copy to Congress, to issue warnings about the damaging effects of MWR. Please send your message immediately. 

State-based action alert! Check if your state is below, and write to your state legislators and urge them to support bills that allow customers to choose analog meters. Please send your message immediately.





from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


Will Supplements Be Regulated Along with Drugs?

It’s music to the ears of the FDA—but terrible for consumers. We need to tell the administration: supplements under the law are food, not drugs! Action Alert!

As we’ve been telling you, the Trump administration has proposed merging the food safety duties of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a new Federal Food Safety Program under the USDA. This move is part of a larger restructuring of the federal government. Supplements, along with drugs, devices, biologics, tobacco, and cosmetics, would be regulated by the renamed “Federal Drug Administration.” Because drug companies will exercise overwhelming influence over the new Federal Drug Administration, the longstanding FDA project of eliminating supplements or turning them into drugs may become unstoppable.

Recent developments suggest that this plan is moving forward. First, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has introduced S. 3137, the “Reforming Government Act of 2018” that would make it possible for President Trump to start the process with Congress ​for implementing the government reorganization plan. Congressional committees are conducting hearings on the plan: The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has held a hearing, along with the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

By moving supplements with food to the USDA, the Trump administration would better achieve the goals of the government reorganization. Not only does it cut down on the regulatory inefficiencies the administration is seeking to reduce; it would better serve public health by increasing access to quality dietary supplements and also further the US’s position in global trade—an issue the President seems to care a great deal about. The FDA is already thwarting the growth of the supplement industry and making it more difficult for companies to innovate (take a look at the proposed NDI guidance, for instance), which in turn makes US products less competitive overseas. This will only get worse.

As we explained in our fundraising appeals, this reorganization is completely backwards in every respect. Recall that the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) created a separate system for the regulation of dietary supplements under the framework of food and apart from drugs. This was in recognition of the plain fact that supplements are 1) usually food-based, that is, composed of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or amino acids that can be found in food, and 2) overwhelmingly safe and do not pose the same dangers as pharmaceutical drugs.

This is borne out, for example, in adverse event reporting data, where drugs consistently register hundreds of thousands of adverse events in a year—sometimes close to a million. Supplements, on the other hand, average about 1,575 a year. Consider too that the number of Americans who use at least one prescription drug is almost the same as those who take at least one supplement: about 70% of Americans take one prescription drug, and about 68% of Americans take a dietary supplement. For these reasons, it makes sense for supplements to be regulated as and with food, not drugs.

Note also that currently under the FDA, the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs is located under the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN).  If supplements are lumped in with drugs under, for instance, the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, the project of turning supplements into drugs, and thereby making them less available and far, far more expensive, will become a lot easier.

Housing dietary supplements under the FDA has always been a bad idea. The biggest problem is the FDA’s conflict of interest: it collects billions of dollars in user fees from the drug companies it is supposed to regulate. The agency is completely beholden to the drug industry—and yet is responsible for regulating the drug industry’s competition, dietary supplements. This dynamic goes a long way in explaining why the FDA consistently targets dietary supplements. Either it tries to treat supplements like drugs, as in the case of vinpocetine, since the agency gets more user fee money when a product goes through FDA-approval; or, if a supplement can’t be patented and sold at exorbitant prices by Big Pharma, the agency moves to restrict the information that can be shared about the benefits of those products to make sure nothing can compete with the drugs that make money for the FDA. This bears repeating: The FDA gets paid whenever a substance is regulated as a drug.

The FDA has also displayed its unabashed support of Big Pharma by eliminating access to dietary supplement ingredients in its regulation of compounded drugs—customized medicines that are made at specialized pharmacies for individual patients. The FDA is currently in the process of reviewing nominations for a list of substances that can be used in these medicines, and is consistently indicating that it will be banning supplements like curcumin, boswellia, aloe vera, and more.

The point is that, any way the FDA can stack the deck against supplements and other alternatives to mass-market pharmaceuticals, it has, because, we believe, it is financially motivated to do so.

Note that there is still time to reach out to members of Congress, as well as the Trump administration, to tell them that supplements are food and should not be regulated alongside drugs.

Action Alert! Write to the President and Congress, telling them that supplements are food, not drugs, and should not be in the same agency as drugs. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health
