Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fake Organics: Will Congress Step In?

A new bill has important provisions that will help stop fake organics from flooding US markets. Action Alert!

A  bill has been introduced by Rep. John Faso (R-NY) to address some of the program’s shortcomings in ensuring the integrity of imported organics. This follows an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit report that found significant flaws with the USDA’s organics program.

Shockingly, but not surprisingly, the OIG report found that imported “organics” are being fumigated at US ports of entry, and then sold as organic on store shelves. This problem is on top of the problem we have earlier cited of fake organic products flooding in after certification by fraudulent certifiers. The USDA says it is looking into the latter problem. We will have to see if they are serious about doing so.

To address this and other concerns, HR 3871:

  • Includes more funding for the National Organics Program (NOP), increasing the budget almost threefold by 2018 to improve enforcement and compliance efforts.
  • Requires the USDA to write rules so that currently uncertified entities, such as brokers, ports, and online auctions, become organic-certified or lose their organic labeling.
  • Authorizes one-time funding of $5 million on top of NOP’s annual budget to modernize NOP’s international trade and transaction certificates, such as through an electronic system to ensure full traceability.
  • Gives NOP oversight and approval authority over any certifying agent operating outside the US, and requires an annual authorization for each certifying agent that intends to operate in any foreign country.
  • Allows NOP to require increased documentation or verification before granting certification, in the case of a known or suspected concern.
  • Requires NOP to submit an annual report to Congress describing the agency’s domestic and overseas investigations and compliance actions.

HR 3871 won’t fix all the problems with the government’s organics program, which we’ve argued has been co-opted by Big Food. More funding will never substitute for a will to enforce the law, and more funding will make it much harder to get the bill passed.  But this is a step in the right direction in getting the NOP to do its job and ensure the integrity of our domestic organics program.

For this bill or an amended version to gain momentum, lawmakers will have to hear from their constituents that it’s a matter of concern.

Action Alert! Tell your representative to support HR 3871. Please send your message immediately.

from The Alliance for Natural Health via Aloe for Health


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